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Ormus Minerals Elements that are Known


How to get Ormus into your life today

Chapter 7

Known Ormus Minerals Elements

Let's recap a bit about Ormus while we investigate Ormus minerals elements that are known. This serves two very big purposes for us in our quest to expand our horizons using this wonderful material.

The first purpose is that in all things in life, knowledge is power. By better understanding the ''how, why and what" of Ormus, the more likely we are to have confidence in it and continue to use it until we see its explosive benefits. Many people believe, and studies back this belief up, that the more you have faith in any natural health supplement the more likely it is to exceed expectations. The mind has a great influence on the body.

Secondly, having as much information about what you are potentially putting into your body (in this case Ormus minerals and elements) makes sound sense from a safety stand point, doesn't? Even in the case of a material as generally safe as Ormus.

How to get Ormus into your life today

Ormus Minerals and Elements (that are Known)

Now we know Ormus refers to a class of unique and distinct elements and minerals who's atomic state gives them special properties when made available for our use. They seem to possess much more energy and life enhancing qualities than the normal minerals and elements of the same name.

So what we are saying, as an example, is that you can expect something like Ormus Gold to have radically different and more beneficial effects than plain gold and so on. This is obviously why the interest in Ormus is so high. The energetic nature, according to most researchers, is thousands of times greater in the Ormus minerals and elements!

The names of our currently known Ormus minerals and elements follow, along with notes where appropriate.





























































Gold (Au) 79: Ormus Gold called by many different names is probably the element and mineral that has held the most sustained interest of the materials from ancient time to today. Many suggest it is one of the major factors that give Ormus its much sought after life extension qualities. Historically this belief was held far and wide.

Silver (Ag) 47: Nearly approaches Ormus Gold in the level of interest it has attracted. Silver appears to exert great power as a pain killer, in combination with the other Ormus materials.

Platinum (Pt) 78

Iridium (Ir) 77:  Heavily studied by expert researcher Barry Carter and Ormus Iridium has been shown to have unique qualities that clearly distinguish it from "normal" iridium.

Osmium (Os) 76:  There's information that a Ormus Osmium battery is being tested with remarkable capabilities!

Palladium (Pd) 46: Palladium is said to act as a sort of "hydrogen sponge" super hydrogenating the body (or soil) and killing disease.

Rhodium (Rh) 45

Ruthenium (Ru) 44

Copper (Cu) 29

Nickel (Ni) 28

Mercury (Hg) 80

Cobalt (Co) 27

Let us not assume that no other minerals and elements will be discovered in their m-state (another way of referring to Ormus minerals and elements.) It is very likely many more will be found as studies, research and experiments continue both by professionals and amateur enthusiasts.

It's important to note all of the Ormus minerals and elements listed here are very abundant in sea water which explains why fresh sea water is held in such high regard by those using the Wet Extraction method we discussed earlier. Sea water carrying the building blocks of vibrant life should come as little surprise, both by scientists and by the mystically inclined. The study of Ormus verifies both these seemingly diverse positions.

Even wilder evidence suggests both "dark matter" as well as Earth's magnetic field contain Ormus elements and lightning too!

Science in this age can be as exciting as any piece of fiction.

Ormus Elements
How to get Ormus into your life today
A farmer from Arizona David Hudson was the person who discovered Ormus. Normally, Orme are atoms that are unbounded to each other but they group together to become a material.

The state of not becoming bound to each other is called mono atomic state. Orme constitute of diverse physical properties making them unique to the normal elements.

It also consists of an exotic matter which is a novel form of matter realized. Orme elements are also known as M-state elements.

Ormus elements are believed to possess an excellent advantage on human mental as well as the physical health. In fact, it was understood to be god's good in Egypt.

The Egyptians consumed them to amplify their mental, physical and spiritual capacities. It was known as philosopher's stone in several alchemy books.

There are at least twelve metals believed to be the Ormus elements. They include Gold, Platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, mercury, cobalt, nickel copper, ruthenium and silver. The least of the Ormus elements is not limited to my list as other might not have been discovered. These metals are precious having numerous atomic states.

Ormus elements are richly available in salt of sea water, air, fresh water and some rocks. Rhodium and iridium are Ormus elements vital for human. For instance, rhodium is mainly used for specific disease's cure whereas iridium is essential for good health.

Variety of methods is used to extract Ormus elements from the natural resources.
 For example extracting the elements from the salt of sea water, we require a magnetic trap that attracts Ormus from the source.

The magnetic trap is designed in such a way that it applies Meissner's effect. Only Ormus Rhodium based elements are collected through this method.

The elements are also found in some foods and several biological systems. The regular food substances that constitute Iridium and Rhodium elements are Aloe Vera and are ideal for human health.

Gold is another vital element that is significant in improving health of human beings. Often, it is known as White gold or M-gold. Ormus gold elements have properties that enhance long life support, spiritual consciousness, anti-aging characteristics that produces considerable changes and production of neurotransmitter. It also relieves joint disintegration and pain. It enhances the cell metabolism to a needed rate. It is scientifically proven that it aids in rejuvenation of cells. It is also mentioned by scientist to facilitate the flow of energy in every meridian of acupuncture as well as inside micro tubules in living cells.

Generally Ormus elements are growing popular globally because of their rare and special properties which enhance health at all direction. They are crucial to those people who practice meditation, Yoga and Alchemy. Several people have made complete recoveries from various diseases such as AIDs, cancer, diabetes, emphysema, bipolar disorder, heart disease, sclerosis and osteoporosis.

Presently, the knowledge of nature of Ormus elements and how to use them is at its early stage. There are emergence of scientists who are interested in undertaking research work to make a considerable discoveries based on these elements.
 Numerous workgroups have been established to make people work as a team and combine their efforts in this field.

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Regardless of how our products may be used in other countries, or anything that you may have heard or read about Ormus Minerals or Ormus products, under FDA law in the United States it is illegal for a manufacturer to make any medical claims for health supplements. None of the products offered for sale on our website or direct to retail consumers are intended to be used in the treatment or mitigation of any disease state. All statements made by Ormus Minerals or on the Ormus website are intended for informational purposes only. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA, and our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Health decisions are much too important to be made without the advice of a health care practitioner. As with any dietary or herbal supplement, you should advise your health care practitioner of the use of this product. If you are nursing, pregnant, or considering pregnancy, you should consult your health care practitioner prior to using any health supplement product.